CEDERBERG WILDLIFE1Without doubt, one of the most enchanting aspects of this Cederberg nature reserve is the rare and beautiful game that it protects. From zoologists to conservationists and holidaymakers, hundreds of visitors flock to this area each year in the hopes of coming into contact with some of the most fascinating animals, birds and reptiles remaining in the world today.

The more common residents include baboons, dassies, grey rhebuck, klipspringers,
duiker and grysbok. These beasts roam freely through the open plains and rocky hills of the Cederberg’s terrain. Some of the original locals are a little more circumspect in their behaviour and prefer to hunt their prey and gather their supplies away from prying eyes, although they’re often unsuccessful in that regard. The porcupine, honey badger, Cape clawless otter and aardvark are numbered among these shy natives, but if you’re observant you may well catch a glimpse.


CEDERBERG WILDLIFE2The Cape Leopard is the Cederberg’s better known predator, but is also renowned for being a shy operator in general, and their behaviour in this area is no different. Despite this, many visitors have had the pleasure of a sighting. The Cape mountain zebra is also found within the Cedar Rock Reserve due to the owner’s conservation efforts, and this endangered species can be commonly seen roaming the reserve in safety.


CEDERBERG WILDLIFE3In terms of bird watching, the Cederberg is a paradise which is home to over 100 different species – many of which are exceedingly rare today. These include the black eagle, rock kestrel and gray goshawk which soar over the plains on their daily hunts. The Cederberg is not home to only rare animals on the ground and in the air, as eight rare and threatened fish species are also found in the local river systems. These include the Clanwilliam yellow fish, Clanwilliam redfin minnow and the iconic redfin minnow. A wide variety of amphibious creatures also go about their daily business here, the most prevalent being frogs and toads.


A variety of spiders, scorpions, snakes and the rare girdle lizard also reside on these rustic plains, but are no threat if left alone. Although a pleasure to see in action from a distance, these creatures are inherently shy and tend to move away from humans and, as such, complications with them are rare. Cederberg Chalets is a malaria free Cederberg nature reserve, making it one of the safest wildlife viewing areas in Africa.